Micro Fiber
Micro Synthetic Fibers
Euclid Chemical’s PSI FIBERSTRAND line of monofilament and fibrillated polypropylene microfiber for concrete reinforcement complies with ASTM C 1116, Standard Specification for Fiber Reinforced Concrete and Shotcrete, and is specifically designed to help mitigate the formation of plastic shrinkage cracking in concrete. PSI FIBERSTRAND microfibers have been shown to greatly reduce plastic shrinkage cracking when compared to plain concrete. PSI FIBERSTRAND microfibers also comply with applicable portions of the International Code Council (ICC) Acceptance Criteria AC32 for synthetic fibers.

• Slabs on grade, sidewalks, driveways, curb work, overlays and toppings
• Shotcrete, slope paving and composite steel deck construction
Features & Benefits
• Controls and mitigates plastic shrinkage cracking
• Reduces segregation, plastic settlement and provides bleed-water uniformity
• Provides three-dimensional reinforcement against micro-cracking
• Easily added to concrete mixture at any time prior to placement
Fibers from Silver Strike Concrete

Micro Synthetic Fibers
Reducing Micro/Plastic Shrinkage Cracking

Macro Synthetic Fibers
Replacing Rebar & Welded Wire Mesh

Blended Synthetic Fibers
Benefits of Both Technologies